Contact Anna Thomsen

Anna Thomsen's Integrative Health Care is conveniently located in Monterey, California. To make an appointment, please reach out:

831-375-4386 (office - call/voicemail)
831-383-8893 (cell - text/voicemail)

Appointments are now offered both in-person and via telemedicine (phone or video call)!

While acupuncture and bodywork must obviously be done in-person, most other modalities are just as effective from a distance, including herbal, nutritional, and dietary counseling, and Functional Medical testing. Also possible is counsel and work with NET (neuro-emotional technique) for stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and other emotionally related imbalances, as well as coaching in acupressure, meditation, and exercises to enhance well-being for self-treatment at home (all from the comfort of your own home!). Please visit the Modalities page to learn more.

Cost of visits for 2023:

Please be in touch through the phone numbers or email above for current appointment prices for in-office and video sessions. I offer a sliding scale payment to all patients to make the appointments affordable.

Insurance: I will no longer be billing insurance, but can provide a billing receipt to take to your insurance company if requested.

Payment methods: Cash, check, Venmo, or credit card.

Allergy-Free Office Policy: Please refrain from wearing scented lotions, laundry detergents, hair products, and perfumes. Unscented products usually say either "unscented" or “free and clear”.

COVID policies: For in-office visits, if you have respiratory symptoms, including sneezing, coughing, congestion, or a sore throat, please take a Covid-19 test before scheduling an appointment. I will not be seeing acute cases of respiratory illness. For patients who have tested positive for Covid, please wait 12 days from the onset of symptoms and retest for Covid before making an appointment.